But how can we correct its mistake like making it legit is there any prompt for that?

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No. Unfortunately: the only solution is for you to check the work. There are partial solutions like: Asking the same question in different ways to see if you get the same answer. Asking the same questions to different LLMs to see if you get the same answer. etc. But none of these is a guarantee.

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It depends, right? I mean if I doing some creative work, I wouldn't care about that. In fact, I wouldn't want it to. But if I am doing a fact check, I would want to tell it to not be "creative".

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Yes, of course. Only in cases where accuracy of the answer is important.

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Problem is perhaps that in your prompt you are not asking it to push back if it's not sure.

Try this


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Thanks Mayank.

In general, I guess this line should be included in all prompts to ChatGPT...

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Now ‘care’ itself is a trait that we will not associate with AI ( atleast the current AIs). So yes it’s bullshitting all the way.

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Well, we know ChatGPT is a habitual liar when it comes to Cinema (among other things). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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Wow ! I just loved the way GPT lied on the Sadhana song question. So confidently! Sounds like a pathological liar 😃

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It is not a liar. It is a bullshitter. The difference is "The liar cares about the truth and attempts to hide it; the bullshitter doesn't care if what they say is true or false" (Harry Frankfurt).

ChatGPT wants to please you. And it will do anything to do that irrespective of whether it is true or not.

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